Multifunctional Composite Design and Manufacturing Laboratory
번호 제목 권(호) 출판년도

International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology

Intense pulsed light sintering of screen-printed paste electrode on silicon solar cell for high throughput and cost effectively low temperature metallization

Jeong-Beom Nam, Yong-Rae Jang, Yeon-Taek Hwang, Hyun-Ho Kim, Il-Hyoung Jung and Hak-Sung Kim

9 523-535 2021-05-12

Composites Science and Technology

Effect of crystallinity on the mechanical behavior of carbon fiber reinforced polyethylene-terephthalate (CF/PET) composites considering temperature conditions

Hui-Jin Um, Yeon-Taek Hwang, Kyung-Hee Choi and Hak-Sung Kim

207 108745 2021-05-03

International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology

Design and manufacture of automotive hybrid steel/carbon fiber composite B-pillar component with high crashworthiness

Dug-Joong Kim, Jae-Young Lim, Byeung-Gun Nam, Hee-June Kim and Hak-Sung Kim

8(2) 547-559 2021-03-01

International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology

Optimization of intense pulsed light sintering considering dimensions of printed Cu nano/micro-paste patterns for printed electronics

Yong-Rae Jang, Chung-Hyeon Ryu, Yeon-Taek Hwang and Hak-Sung Kim

8(2) 471-485 2021-03-01

Thin Solid Films

Multiple intense pulsed light sintering of silane surface modified Cu oxide nanoparticle paste on Si wafer substrate for solar cell electrode

Yong-Rae Jang, Chung-Hyeon Ryu, Ji-Hyeon Chu, Jeong-Beom Nam and Hak-Sung Kim

722 138577 2021-03-01