Multifunctional Composite Design and Manufacturing Laboratory
번호 제목 권(호) 출판년도

Composite Structures

Foreign objects impact damage characteristics of Aluminum/Composite hybrid drive shaft

Hak Sung Kim, Byung Chul Kim, Tae Seong Lim and Dai Gil Lee

66 377-389 2004-01-01

Composite Structures

Optimal design of the press fit joint for a hybrid aluminum/composite drive shaft

Hak Sung Kim and Dai Gil Lee

70 33-47 2004-01-01

Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology

Investigation of Optimal Surface Treatments for Carbon/Epoxy Composite Adhesive Joints

Jin Kook Kim, Hak Sung Kim and Dai Gil Lee

17(3) 329-352 2003-01-01

Composite Structures

Adhesion characteristics of carbon/epoxy composites treated with low and atmospheric pressure plasmas

Jin Kook Kim, Hak Sung Kim and Dai Gil Lee

17(13) 1751-1771 2003-01-01

Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit

Real-scale experiments of resistive heating laminate composite panels for radiant heating in railway vehicles

Dr. Donghoon Kang.